Issue Position: NASA

Issue Position

The American economy will need to grow exponentially to cover the growing costs of Social Security and Medicare for the retiring Baby Boom generation. Investing in basic scientific research will spur innovation and technology, and create long-term economic growth.

A declining number of American students graduate with degrees in science and engineering. Congress should create incentives to reverse this trend and restore American competitiveness.

As a Member of the Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Subcommittee, I am working to eliminate wasteful programs, while increasing funding for NASA and scientific research and development.

NASA plays a vital role in maintaining America's lead in industry and innovation. I support the President's Vision for Space Exploration, but also want to ensure NASA receives enough funding to maintain research on other important aeronautic and scientific projects.

I support the nanotechnology research being conducted at Rice University and The Alliance for NanoHealth. Nanotechnology breakthroughs at The Alliance for NanoHealth and Rice University have the potential to revolutionize the medical and energy industries.
